Sign up for the only checking account dedicated to supporting the LGBTQAI+ community! We’ll donate $100 to Lake County Pride* when you bank with Pride!
apply nowSign up for the only bank account dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community!
We’ll Donate $100 to an LGBTQ+ Nonprofit* when you Bank with Pride!
Lake County Pride is dedicated to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies in Lake County, Florida. Our mission is to promote equality, celebrate diversity, and provide a safe space for all members of the community. Through various events, educational programs, and advocacy efforts, we strive to create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Join us in our journey to make Lake County a place where love and acceptance are celebrated every day.
Climate First Bank is committed to supporting the LGBTQ+ community during this incredibly trying time in the state of Florida and across the country.
Join the Pride Banking mission today.